Crystal Lotus Healing services

Both Reiki and 13th Octave LaHoChi energies are gentle, non-evasive, alternative healing modalities that are performed with light touch, no touch or distant (client and practitioner are in separate locations).

Reiki is a Japanese word that means “Universal Life Force Energy.” Reiki is an energy healing technique promoting relaxation, reducing stress and anxiety using gentle touch and/or no touch. It is through this relaxation that Reiki helps us reach homeostasis, allowing the self healing mechanism in our bodies to transpire. Reiki has been used as a complementary therapy in hospitals worldwide, and as an alternative therapy in both wellness centers and spas.

13th Octave LaHoChi is a high frequency hands-on healing technique, and has numerous benefits operating on the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual levels. It is star healing made human. It has been referred to as “Etheric Acupuncture.” 13th Octave LaHoChi has been gifted to us by the Archangels and Ascended Masters for humanity’s awakening and ascension.

In each session, Reiki and/or 13th Octave LaHoChi energies create sacred space surrounding the recipient in an abundance of unconditional love, forgiveness and non-judgement to support the healing and transformation of one’s most sacred journey.

Reiki Session


Feel the calming and beautiful energies of Usui, Kundalini, Lightarian, Angel, Crystal, or Violet Flame Reiki and Snow White Healing energies.

Reiki Session with Intuitive Reading


Feel the calming and beautiful energies of Usui, Kundalini, Lightarian, Angel, or Violet Flame Reiki and Snow White Healing energies, including intuitive reading.

13th Octave LaHoChi Session


Immerse yourself into the profound healing energy of 13th Octave LaHoChi. This session includes Violet Flame Healing and Angel Light Healing.

Be the Transformative Power